Lambda/ O2 Delete
Decat services are intended for off-road use vehicles only. A decat will make your vehicle illegal for use on a public road..

Lambda/O2 Removal (Decat)
When decatting a petrol vehicle, it is likely that an engine management light will be illuminated, and a fault code for cat efficiency will be stored inside the ECU memory (P0420). By careful recalibration of the engine ECU data we can disable the function of the second lambda sensor.
The second lambda sensor is used for monitoring the efficiency of the catalytic converter. Disabling the second lambda sensor will allow a decat pipe to be used on a vehicle without triggering an engine management light or associated fault codes.
Decatting a vehicle normally triggers a P0420 fault code (Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)). Our lambda delete service will permanently remove this fault.
Decat services are intended for off-road use vehicles only. A decat will make your vehicle illegal for use on a public road.
O2 Delete remaps are necessary if you have engine lights being triggered after fitting either sports catalytic converters, or decat exhaust pipes for off-road usage.
Engine lights may trigger after a modification of this type as the sensor that detects if the catalytic converter is functioning will not be receiving the data it was initially programmed to receive, as the sportscat will produce different levels of emissions to a normal catalytic converter. This addition to a standard remap will prevent the engine light being triggered, and prevents any risk of the engine then entering limp mode.